
Monday, September 19, 2016

The story of Zed Exo

My Mythical Creature

Room Seven made cool mythical creatures for art. At first we had to plan about what we were going to make by finding images of mythical creatures on our Chromebooks. Second, we drew it on our art book. Third, we practised making it with play dough. The play dough that I used was not dry yet so I had to borrow play dough from someone else. Fourth, we started making it with real clay and our teacher brought it to a place that fired the clay and made it as hard as steel. After two weeks we got our clay back. Fifth, we painted then white then painted them in other colours. Last, we made the backdrops for our clay creature. And that is how we made our mythical creatures. As you can see above my backdrop has a volcano. My slides name is 'The dark side of Zed Exo', I used this name for my mythical creature because it sounded cool to me. The name came from the planet Zoolander Exo that I made up. My slide is about my mythical creature that was first good but turned bad because of the humans. Make sure you watch my slide. 

Friday, September 2, 2016

My Seventh Son Book Trailer

Room 7 loves to read the books from the library so we decided to describe and make a book trailer about our favourite book. I thought that it would be boring but it turned out to be lots of fun.

 After we were done with our book trailers we needed to make a QR codes so others can watch. If you download the QR code scanning app, you could scan the QR code that is stuck to your book and the book trailer would pop up on your device.

It took me a really long time to finish my movie trailer, I had to change my mind three times on what book I was doing and also had to find a massive amount of images for my book trailer about Seventh Son. Have a look at my trailer and make a comment.